пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Syysloma on siis vihdoin alkanut. Viimeisen tunnin j�lkeen koulussa, klo 13 saimme jaksotodistuksemme.
Pari ysi�kin oli eksynyt mukaan, joten se ei ollut yht�n huonompi todistus.. Now I�just gotta find something to do on the holiday.�Varmaan lataan akut j�lleen t�yteen, ett� jaksan jouluun asti kunnialla.
Jaksaminen onkin jo alkanut hieman repeill� t�ss� syksyn aikana.�Kun ihmiset sanovat ett� lukio on raskasta verrattuna yl�kouluun (tai -asteeseen, miten sit� haluaa kutsua.), he eiv�t todellakaan valehtele. Aamulla her�minen tuntuu olevan kymmenen kertaa hankalampaa kuin ennen, tuntuu etteiv�t n. 8 tunnin y�unet riit� mihink�n. L�ksyj� tulee sivukaupalla joka aineesta ja ne sy�v�t suurimman osan vapaa-ajastasi.�Ensin olet koulussa keskim�rin ~ 7 tuntia, jonka j�lkeen tulet nelj�n aikoihin kotiin. Teet l�ksyj� lopun iltaa, huomaat ett� l�ksyihin on yht�kki� hukkunut nelisen tuntia. Siin� kahdeksan aikaa sitten tulee mietitty� ett� voisi sy�d�kin jotain, alkaa olla hieman n�lk� kun viimeksi s�i mit�n koulussa keskip�iv�ll�.
Ja kaikki huipentuu tietenkin koeviikkoon�Jos jaksaa olla tunnollinen (mit� ep�ilen suuresti monien kohdalla.), t�ytyy lukea n. 200 sivua noin kuudesta eri aineesta ja kurssista. Se tekee noin 1200 sivua, joka on yhden viikon ty�ksi suhteellisen paljon, kun siin� sivussa pit� viel� jaksaa sis�ist�kin kaikki se ylenm�r�inen tieto p�h�n ja viel� kirjoittaa se kaikki roska seuraavana p�iv�n� koepaperille

But even so, I love to be in high school. Henki ja tunnelma on niin hyv� ettei siell� edes huomaa tekev�ns� kahdeksan tunnin koulup�ivi� vasta illalla, kun kello n�ytt� vasta yhdeks�� nukahdat ja nukut kuin tukki koko y�n.. Lukiossa yst�v�t saavat yksinkertaisesti t�ysin uuden merkityksen kuin yl�koulussa. Peruskoulussa yleens�kin sit� vain hengaillaan koulussa p�iv�t pitk�t, kuunnellaan tunnilla jos silt� tuntuu ja jos kiinnostaa. Toisin sanoen ne yhdeks�n vuotta olivat pelkk� vapaa-aikaa verrattuna tuohon tulevaan kolmeen vuoteen ja tuohon kouluun, jota�nyt�itse k�yn.Kun olen�lukiossa, olen huomannut monesti miettiv�ni, ett� jos en tuntisi niit� henkil�it� joihin olen tutustunut t�h�n menness� en varmastikaan tulisi p�tkim�n pitk�lle. Mutta kun sinulla on jokaisella kurssilla v�hint�n yksi kaveri, jonka kanssa pohtia teht�vi� jutella niit� n�it� ja muuttaa opiskelu mukavaksi, vuosi tulee menem�n nopeasti.
Voin sanoakin, etten ole edes huomannut, ett� olen ollut lukiossa jo yli kaksi kuukautta, pian jo kolme.�Ensimm�inen jakso on jo nyt takana, vaikka kuvittelin viiden opiskeluviikon matelevan eteenp�in...� Tuntuu�v�h�n silt� ett� t�m� ensimm�inen lukiovuosi tulee vilahtamaan ohi silmieni, kun itse katson kaikkea vierest�..
Teht�v�tkin tulevat suhteellisen ilman-varoitusaikaa-nopeudella tietoon. Saimme eilen �idinkielen tunnilla� monisteen, miss� oli about kymmenen eri aihetta esseelle. Opettaja sanoo ett� valitkaa yksi mieleisenne, niin kirjoitamme siit� t�n�n pohdiskelevan esseen. Meaning -->�3-5 pages of enormous shit in two hours. Siin� oli hyv� aihe, josta sain kirjoitettua, joten uskoisin ett� selviydyin siit� ihan kunnialla, mutta.. Noin esimerkiksi nostaen voin sanoa, ett� t�ll� on nopea tahti opetuksessa ja oppimisessa. Vaikkei se tietenk�n huonokaan asia ole..

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Who knew the candidates could bring the funny?� Last night, the candidates spoke at the Al Smith dinner.� Al Smith served as governor of New York for four terms and was the first Catholic to run for president.� It was very difficult at that time to be a Catholic in this country and it made it almost inevitable that he would lose to Hoover. Of course, he did.�

So every year the Diocese of New York hosts this dinner, and the speeches are expected to be funny.� And they were:



Honestly, McCain won this round.� Not only was his speech really funny, but his kind words about Obama were really touching.� Kudos to him.� This may sounds ridiculous, but I wouldn't be surprised if he went up a point or two in the polls.� People love the funny.

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Iapos;m so sick of this week. I want it to be Friday already. Granted that Friday will be here in oh, about 6.5 hours...itapos;s just been boring as hell and Iapos;ve had a fun weekend to look forward to. I need to dig out my Halloween movies and taped tv-shows. Especially one I call "Gus". Itapos;s the only episode of this particular show that Iapos;ve ever watched, but I love it. Donapos;t even ask for the name of the show, because I donapos;t know what it was. Mom and Dad apparently didnapos;t start taping the show until after the introduction was done. All I remember is that the grandfathers name was Gus and the grandfather saves his grandson from a "haunted house". I also have my Garfield Halloween episode as well as my all time favorite of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow of the Disney toon variety. Right now Iapos;m watching Hocus Pocus. This will probably always be my favorite Halloween movie, even though it is a kiddie movie. *snickers* "Hello, boys My name is Winifred, whatapos;s yours?" Iapos;m going to have this song stuck in my head now.

I found a box of macaroni and cheese which made me squee in happiness. I was sure I wouldnapos;t be able to find anything to eat other than ramen (which I was planning on eating twice tonight). I do have a small personal size bag of veggies I plan to steam and put in the ramen, so thatapos;ll be good. Iapos;ve also got a full pot of coffee. That alone makes me a happy girl.

Iapos;m sitting here right now staring longingly at The Historian; a book that Jason bought for me not too long ago. I know Iapos;m reading Frankenstein right now, but I really want to drop it and start on The Historian. Too bad I have a tendency to finish whatever Iapos;m reading if I like it or not before I start a new book. I think itapos;s easier that way. I used to read three or four books at a time, but then I started having dreams that mixed the stories all together. Talk about weird dreams.

Anyway, Iapos;m going to get off of here and start looking around for a new layout. I love Doctor Who, but Iapos;m ready for something different.
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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16 oktober 2008

Een 47-jarige man uit Eindhoven is dinsdagavond op heterdaad betrapt tijdens een inbraak. Agenten troffen de man met een lege maag aan.

De bewoonster van het huis kwam om half 10 thuis, toen zij een gebroken ruitje naast de voordeur zag. Ook brandde er licht in haar woning. Zij alarmeerde de politie en deze troffen de inbreker in de woning aan. Hij was net bezig een aantal boterhammen naar binnen te werken. De man is meegenomen naar het bureau.

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This is the political entry. Perhaps one of many (unless I am forced to off myself on November 5th...just kidding. Sort of).

I donapos;t know if anyoneapos;s words have ever moved me as much as some of Barack Obamaapos;s have. Listening to his speeches tends to�give me chills, and many times I�have come close to tears. He makes me so hopeful for this country. I am beyond excited for this yearapos;s election;�I just wish it wasnapos;t�one of such extremes. While I donapos;t think I would vote for anyone other than Obama anyway, I so wish there was a better candidate opposing him. Itapos;s terrifying to me that the only [viable] alternative to an Obama presidency is a McCain presidency. In my opinion, electing John McCain would be an absolute disaster for this nation, no doubt about it. I mean, I hope Iapos;m dead wrong. I hope Iapos;m completely misreading him and that he doesnapos;t suck as much as it seems, but it doesnapos;t seem likely. And I hate to discriminate, (get ready for the ageism), but dude is OLD. Like, my grandmaapos;s are older than him, and I donapos;t have a problem with them, but theyapos;re not signing up for utra-powerful 4-8 year jobs.

And Sarah Palin? I could go on forever. Just tonight I saw a clip of her speaking in New Hampshire, talking about how nice it was to be in the "great Northwest". I donapos;t know if thereapos;s even anything I can say to that. If this was the first idiotic, mind boggling thing sheapos;d said throughout this whole campaign then I maybe wouldnapos;t make a big deal out of it, but COME ON. This woman is so unfit for the job it hurts me to think about what would happen if she actually got it. If the republican party wins the election, she could very well be president in a few years. Jesus. Christ. Think about that. Sarah Palin, Governer of Alaska (and neighbor to Russia),�could be president one day. And sheapos;d go down in history as the first woman president. Thatapos;s not exactly who I want representing my gender. Not only is she an indefensible moron (despite Elisabeth Hasselbeckapos;s numerous attempts), she is most definitely not not not NOT a feminist. I want to punch every person who has said/who thinks she is a feminist. She is FAR FROM IT. I wonapos;t bother going into much detail but I think the right to choose (not to mention the right to a free rape kit) is a basic ideal of most, if not all, feminists. "Abstinence Only" education? No equal pay? She has a funny way of showing she cares about women. I feel like if she didnapos;t need our votes, she would try to take away our right to that too. Sarah, please, take your oddly named children, and join the First Dude in seceding from the United States. Just get out.

I love this country, a lot, and I realize how extremely lucky I am to have been born here. I know America has provided me with opportunities that I would not have in most other countries, and that I should take advantage of living in a place so many others in the world would like to live in. But I canapos;t honestly say that I wonapos;t be disappointed in November 4th if John McCain is elected president. I will be sorely sorely disappointed. I will be overwhelmingly upset (on the inside, I do have to keep up appearance for ALL my friends at school), and absolutely livid with the people who voted for him. The United States has been on a terrible path since January 2001, and we have a chance to change that. In�January 2009 I hope we will be starting on the long road to recovery with President Obama.

I wonder if the arrival via mail of my voterapos;s registration card is what sparked this entry. Thereapos;s a good chance.

I just watched the debate but Iapos;ll gather my thoughts about it more before I write about that. For now I have to do math homework

"In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope."

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Iapos;ve been meaning to comment on the continuing economic turmoil in the world. It annoys me no end that the stupid mistakes of a few obscenely rich people have caused so much pain, and itapos;s especially annoying that so much public money is having to go towards bailing them out. Of all the people losing their jobs in the banking sector, only a tiny minority are responsible for the mess. Banking bosses, who got into this mess themselves by making stupid business decisions, have got the nerve to attack the government for attaching strings to the multi-billion pound bail-out. Theyapos;re quite happy to pay themselves a fortune for screwing the rest of us - itapos;s time they got what they deserved.

Still, itapos;s nice to see that Labour has rediscovered the N word, and has started nationalising - or at least taking controlling interests - in things, almost thirty years after it fell massively out of favour. Gordon Brown is still in a mess politically, but itapos;s good to see some leadership and action for a change, and at least for the time being heapos;s the man of the moment, leading the world in sorting out the problems. The Conservatives continue to attack, which is fucking hypocritical. They had the nerve to attack Labour for allowing unemployment to rise to 1.7 million. How high was it under Thatcher? 3.2 million. Yes, I know 1.7 million is too many, but WTF - Thatcher ruined this country and reduced millions to poverty. Just quite why people think "Call Me Dave" Cameron is the solution to the problem is beyond me. Heapos;s very quiet about everything, probably because he knows Tory policy is largely to blame, and heapos;s one of the people who wanks over Thatcher and praises her as a "great leader".

Itapos;s taken Labour far too long to deal with the Tory legacy - they waited until things fell to pieces before acting. Tighter regulation of the financial sector should have happened long ago. Still, itapos;s nice to see action being taken at last. While theyapos;re nationalising things, perhaps the government might do something about the mess that is the railways. I wrote about this a few days ago - re-establish the system that existed on 31st March 1994, and weapos;ll be fine. After April 1st - an ironic date if ever I saw one - everything turned a bit shit.

Apparently the Olympics are now going to have to suffer cutbacks because of the financial crisis, and the government is going to have to fork out a few extra billions. Iapos;m not into sport, but I always thought the Olympics would be good for London. Iapos;m now having to re-assess this opinion, given that hosting a two-week event is going to cost the same as building a high-speed rail link from London to at least the north of England, and possibly all the way to Scotland. Itapos;s starting to look like an enormous waste.
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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Lately, there seem to be a few companies just ignoring the Do Not Call list, and having their robots call me.

I just got two, count 'em, two calls from some robot offering to refinance my credit-card debt.� The robot in question obviously doesn't work for one of my credit-card issuers, or it would have known what my balance is, and that I have a pattern of paying it off every month.� A moment after I hung up on the first call, the phone rang again, with my final notice.� (Final.� Right.� Well, I certainly hope so.)

I suppose if I'd stayed on the line I might, eventually, have been able to identify the owner of the robot and report it to whichever .gov is in charge of enforcing the DNC.� Assuming, of course, that anyone is enforcing it.

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