четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

anatomy articulation

Iapos;ve been meaning to comment on the continuing economic turmoil in the world. It annoys me no end that the stupid mistakes of a few obscenely rich people have caused so much pain, and itapos;s especially annoying that so much public money is having to go towards bailing them out. Of all the people losing their jobs in the banking sector, only a tiny minority are responsible for the mess. Banking bosses, who got into this mess themselves by making stupid business decisions, have got the nerve to attack the government for attaching strings to the multi-billion pound bail-out. Theyapos;re quite happy to pay themselves a fortune for screwing the rest of us - itapos;s time they got what they deserved.

Still, itapos;s nice to see that Labour has rediscovered the N word, and has started nationalising - or at least taking controlling interests - in things, almost thirty years after it fell massively out of favour. Gordon Brown is still in a mess politically, but itapos;s good to see some leadership and action for a change, and at least for the time being heapos;s the man of the moment, leading the world in sorting out the problems. The Conservatives continue to attack, which is fucking hypocritical. They had the nerve to attack Labour for allowing unemployment to rise to 1.7 million. How high was it under Thatcher? 3.2 million. Yes, I know 1.7 million is too many, but WTF - Thatcher ruined this country and reduced millions to poverty. Just quite why people think "Call Me Dave" Cameron is the solution to the problem is beyond me. Heapos;s very quiet about everything, probably because he knows Tory policy is largely to blame, and heapos;s one of the people who wanks over Thatcher and praises her as a "great leader".

Itapos;s taken Labour far too long to deal with the Tory legacy - they waited until things fell to pieces before acting. Tighter regulation of the financial sector should have happened long ago. Still, itapos;s nice to see action being taken at last. While theyapos;re nationalising things, perhaps the government might do something about the mess that is the railways. I wrote about this a few days ago - re-establish the system that existed on 31st March 1994, and weapos;ll be fine. After April 1st - an ironic date if ever I saw one - everything turned a bit shit.

Apparently the Olympics are now going to have to suffer cutbacks because of the financial crisis, and the government is going to have to fork out a few extra billions. Iapos;m not into sport, but I always thought the Olympics would be good for London. Iapos;m now having to re-assess this opinion, given that hosting a two-week event is going to cost the same as building a high-speed rail link from London to at least the north of England, and possibly all the way to Scotland. Itapos;s starting to look like an enormous waste.
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