среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

bubble sort demonstration applet

Lately, there seem to be a few companies just ignoring the Do Not Call list, and having their robots call me.

I just got two, count 'em, two calls from some robot offering to refinance my credit-card debt.� The robot in question obviously doesn't work for one of my credit-card issuers, or it would have known what my balance is, and that I have a pattern of paying it off every month.� A moment after I hung up on the first call, the phone rang again, with my final notice.� (Final.� Right.� Well, I certainly hope so.)

I suppose if I'd stayed on the line I might, eventually, have been able to identify the owner of the robot and report it to whichever .gov is in charge of enforcing the DNC.� Assuming, of course, that anyone is enforcing it.

check mac address windows xp, bubble sort demonstration applet, bubble sort demonstration, bubble sort demo, bubble sort complexity.

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